
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Menu for the week of August 29-Sept 2nd

Menu for the week of August 29-September 2nd.  We are catering a lot of meals this week so as you can see some of our menu items repeat themselves this week because that is what we have orders for.  As always, we will try to have more dishes than what is on the menu for you to choose from in our cooler.  We are always taking “special” orders and we make extraJ  We also usually have Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad made up for a light lunch or snack.

Monday:      *Chicken and Dumplin’s
                   *Poppy Seed Chicken
                   *Chicken Spaghetti
                   *Pork Roast With Vegetables

Tuesday:      * Fettuccine Alfredo with or without Chicken (just call early and let us know if you want the chicken left out)
                   *Poppy Seed Chicken    
                   *Chicken Spaghetti

Wednesday:  *Chicken and Spinach Lasagna
                   *Poppy Seed Chicken
                   *Cheesy Meaty Spaghetti

Thursday:    *Mexican Chicken
                   *Beef Fajitas (call early to order these)  We will make a limited number)

Friday:         *Classic Meaty Cheesy Lasagna
*Classic Meaty Cheesy Spaghetti
*Poppy Seed Chicken

We always have a variety of desserts to choose from in our cooler.